An Educational Institution


Language Assessment in School Environment

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Linguistic tests tailored to the world of education

Reliable tests for student admission

Bright Language tests are used by many educational institutions to assess students’ language proficiency level. They will help you verify that candidates have the necessary level to attend classes and access resources.

Bilingualism Certification

Many French-speaking high schools have implemented the Bright Language English test to confirm their students’ language proficiency. Bilingualism certification will allow students to stand out when applying to a cégep, college, university, or when entering the job market.

Universities, colleges, and cégeps want to help their students position themselves in the job market. Many will require the French or English test for the obtention of bilingual diploma.

A valuable tool for the admission of international students

With remote Bright Language Tests, it is possible to assess students from all over the world. Candidates are monitored remotely for reliable results on their language proficiency level. They get their results quickly!

test de langue admission école


Language tests globally recognized by the academic community

Assessment of written and oral comprehension: Bright Test

Optimize your institution's admission process with the Bright test, a quick and reliable tool for accurately assessing students' written and listening comprehension.

Assessment of written expression: Writing Solution Test

Evaluate students' writing skills with the Writing Solution test. The assessment includes the Bright test with an added writing test.

Test de langue milieu académique

Assessment of oral expression: BLISS Test

Accurately assess students' oral expression skills to ensure their ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language.

Comprehensive language assessment: Five Star Test

Certify the bilingualism of students or candidates with the Five Star test, which assesses written and listening comprehension and expression in multiple languages

Do you have any questions?

Interested in learning more about Bright Language tests for your educational institution? Contact us for a free consultation!