100% Online Assessment
Language skills assessment, a simple, accessible, and reliable experience.
You choose the time that suits you best. You can rest assured, as our 100% online tests are remotely proctored using our Bright Secure system for results true to your skills.
4 easy steps
No appointment necessary for added flexibility!
Registration and taking a test
Necessary Equipment
Take a remote test
To accommodate you, we offer remote proctored online test sessions using the Examus software.
If all these conditions are met, you may present a request using the form accessible at the following link.
Please be vigilant if you are taking a test for admission purposes :
Please validate which test you need to take following the recommendations of the educational institution!
Équipement nécessaire pour une séance
- Un ordinateur de bureau ou un ordinateur portable sous Windows 10/11 ou MacOS X (le système n’est pas compatible avec une tablette ou un téléphone mobile).
- Une caméra web et des haut-parleurs.
- Un microphone.
- Vous devrez utiliser le navigateur Chrome. Installez-le si nécessaire. Assurez-vous que votre bloqueur de pop-up est désactivé. Sachez que le système Examus fera une vérification de votre ordinateur pour confirmer que tout soit conforme.
- Une pièce d’identité officielle avec photo.
Conditions à respecter pour la validation d'un test :
- Être seul, sans aucune aide extérieure, dans un endroit silencieux.
- L’environnement doit être dégagé sans aucun effet personnel (téléphone, livre, smartphone, tablette).
- Vous devez être équipé d’un ordinateur muni d’une webcam, de haut-parleurs (les écouteurs ne sont pas permis), d’un micro et d’un seul moniteur (branchés durant toute la durée de la séance).
- Vous ne devrez pas quitter votre siège et vous devez rester devant la webcam durant toute la durée de la séance. Les pauses ne sont pas autorisées.
- Préparez une pièce d’identité (carte d’identité, passeport, permis de conduire).
- Prévoyez 1h30 à 2h00.
Si toutes ces conditions peuvent être remplies, vous pouvez faire la demande avec le formulaire accessible sur ce lien ci-dessous.
We ask you to consult the user manual before your session to ensure its smooth running. The participant is obliged to respect the testing regulations. Any violator will be rejected immediately and will not be allowed to take any more Bright Language tests thereafter.
Des résultats instantanés
They are instantaneous, just like the satisfaction of our users.
The result report is scored on a scale from 0 (beginner) to 5 (bilingual) which correlates with the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the international scale for language assessment. A report of areas to address can also be obtained for candidates undergoing training.
Do you have questions?
Need help with your registration?
Contact us, always using the same email address used during your registration, and please allow us some time to respond.
After your registration, you will receive an invoice via email.
Once payment is made online through the Stripe software, we will be automatically notified. Please do not send us receipts, confirmations, or proof of payment.
Following your payment, you will not receive a confirmation. Please note the transaction number that Stripe will provide you after payment. Please wait at least 3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after your payment before contacting us if you do not receive your codes.
Upon receiving your codes for the remote test, please read the USER GUIDE to ensure that your test session goes smoothly.
If you take the remote test: you will receive your access codes to take the Bright Language test online by email within 2 business days. Upon receiving your codes, you will have 7 days to take the test whenever you want, without an appointment. It is unnecessary to inform us.
You will be filmed and recorded during the test. Your screen will also be recorded. This data will then be analyzed and validated by an examiner.
Please allow up to 5 business days after taking the test to receive your results.
If you wish to retake the test, you will need to register again via the form and pay for a new test, respecting the following deadlines:
The time between the first and second attempts is 30 days.
The time between the second and third attempts is 90 days.
Attention: Before paying, please ensure that your computer's power and your internet connection are sufficient and meet the requirements explained in the form or user manual (below), as this could disrupt your test.
Payment is made online by credit card through Stripe, a secure online payment platform.
If someone else is paying for your test, please forward them the email with the Stripe link.
You will need to click on the Stripe link to pay by credit card. You will need to click on the blue "Pay Now" button to pay your invoice. Please be aware that all payments via the Stripe system are secure. Note the transaction number that Stripe will provide you after payment.
If the link does not work from a phone, please use a computer. You can pay your invoice even if it is marked as "Overdue". Payment is effective and recorded when the invoice is marked as "Paid". After 3 months, the link expires ("This link has expired"), so please ask us by email to send you a new link (email: info@action-communication.ca).
If the payment does not work on the Stripe link with your credit card, please contact your bank. We will not have any other solutions to offer you.
If you or the payer of your test disputes the online payment, the test will be invalidated and reported to all partner Canadian institutions.
Do you have any questions?
Find out now about our internationally recognized tests in both academic and professional fields!